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Democracy and Youth Protagonism Workshops

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One of the activities carried out by "Território Transformador do Tapajós" is awareness-raising workshops on the theme "Democracy at School and Youth Protagonism". The action is part of the program “Routes of Public Debates at School”, created by Ashoka Brasil in partnership with the collective "Encrespades", which aims to encourage young people to see themselves as agents of change. The workshops are mediated by the project's own young people, following the methodology proposed by Ashoka.

Do you want to bring public debates to your school? Contact us!

In all,  114 students were directly engaged in the action, in 09 municipal and state schools, in the year 2022 alone.

Contribuir junto ao IMEA nas oficinas de sensibilização dos Debates Públicos foi uma imersão muito importante para a minha educação.  As oficinas e o contato com os estudantes nas escolas instigaram- me a trabalhar em prol da juventude, além de levar a temática da democracia para outras áreas da minha vida. Agradeço ao IMEA e ao Projeto Território Transformador do Tapajós por promover essas experiências"

Mariana Malheiros, líderança do TTTapajós

Claire Brooks, MI

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